KTV means Karaoke Television - also known as: karaoke Box or Video Karaoke.
At our establishment, you get the comfort of singing in your own Private1 Full Service Karaoke Room. Our Karaoke System is hooked up to a touch screen monitor that will control your playlists and volume of the music. Each room is double padded with sound absorbers and thick wooden doors that will minimize the noise in the hallways.
1 - Private is a function of customer's own party. All doors remain unlocked and have a small window for security, staff, and services.
2 - Features are exemplarary to each rooms unique services. Services such as lighting and sound equipment are variable. Please review with your host of any specific needs and be informed that all needs are NOT gaurenteed.
We accept walk-ins at anytime given there is a room available, or you may reserve ahead of time at your earliest convenience.
Click here to make a reservation
via RESY.
If you are having any issues, you may contact us at 916-557-8088. Reserve@oishiisushikaraoke.com.